Although it is very easy to buy a 500gm packet of Orchard white icing from the supermarket, and even easier to just open, knead and use ... the truth of it is that it tastes like crap! Chalky, gritty, chemical flavoured crap! And the more commercial brands like Bakels and Fondx which come in bigger packs are not much better.
So after trawling the internet for a 'good' tasting fondant, i decided to try and make some myself.
And the easiest looking recipe was the Marshmallow fondant or MMF.
Could not get any easier than this:
500gm white marshmallows (the only hard part is finding WHITE marshmallows)
2 tbspn water
1kg icing sugar
2 tspn clear vanilla
1. In a large glass or plastic bowl melt the marshmallows and the water in the microwave for 1 to 2 mins. Mix until no lumps remain. Zap in microwave for 30 sec bursts and mix again if lumps remain (beware mixture will be very hot!).2. Transfer marshmallow mix into electric mixer bowl (i have a kitchen aid), and add vanilla and icing sugar. Mix with dough hook until the mixture comes together like a bread dough.
3. Remove from bowl and knead by hand until it is the right consistency. Double or triple wrap in plastic wrap, and let it rest overnight before using. It will stiffen up a lot over night, so make sure you don't put too much icing sugar in.
So, as i mentioned in the ingredients, the hardest part of it all was finding packets of white marshmallows. WHICH IS NOT POSSIBLE, apparently! For some unknown reason every store in Australia only stocks packets of marshmallows with pink ones mixed in. Very annoying! So after visiting multiple Coles, Woolies, Kmarts, Big W's ... all to no avail, i had to settle on buying the mixed packs and separating the whites from the pinks. 10 packets later... i had 1.25kgs of white ones and 1.25kgs of pink ones.
I am told that it IS possible to get only white marshmallows in Aus, and they are called Pascall MegaMallows .... so if anyone comes across them in their local supermarket PLEASE let me know and i can go and clean them out of their whole supply!!!
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